
Just one more James story...

My brother James was born when I was a freshman in high school. While he was growing up I would always tell my friends all the cute things he was doing. One day my friend told me "No more James stories!" (I must have sounded like a proud grandma or something, always talking about the cute things he did.) Anyway... I have always been proud of James. I always joke that he turned out better than any of us, he got to see all the mistakes we made and do better. He got married on Saturday to a beautiful girl (inside and out). It was such a special day. I loved being around all of my brothers and sister and their families so much. We had a great time and enjoyed being together. Everything was beautiful and they are very happy. So if you will indulge me, here is one more James story... :)  
My kids also had a great time with their cousins. The cousins from Idaho even talked my kids into swimming (it pretty much took their breath away, it was so cold!) Their favorite part was "decorating" James and Tricia's car. They had a lot of fun making memories this weekend.


Amye Kay said...

AHHH swimming in February! The wedding looked wonderful. James IS the sweetest guy. I am so happy for them.

Kris said...

Tell him I said congrats! I knew he was engaged, but I wasn't for sure when he was getting married. Agh - swimming in February - only in AZ! We are under lots of snow here!

Angie said...

I can't believe James is married! His wife is beautiful. What a great weekend for your family. That pool makes me so jealous! :)

Rachel M said...

I remember the James stories! I hope I wasn't the friend that told you to quit telling them!! I remember visiting your mom in the hospital after she had him. They are a cute couple and it was fun to see the pic of you and your siblings:)