
Give your dishwasher a break.

One reason I love freezer cooking is the time it saves which enables you to do other things. A favorite book of mine "Confessions of an Organized Homemaker" by Deniece Schofield calls this saved time "accrued benefits".  Accrued benefits from saving time in small ways throughout the day allow you to have time for the things that really matter. And really, that's what it's all about. 

But freezer cooking is not the only way to save time. Another way that has helped me save time is to assign a water cup to each person and keep them near the fridge.

When someone needs a drink, they use their cup and put it back. The cups get washed every other day or so. My dishwasher is not full of cups that have just been used one time for a drink of water. And I get to spend that extra time however I would like.